There is an interesting thread on the Camino Forum that I would like to share with you. I have asked permission so we should be good to go.
By Brother David
Now there is a good thread .. ermm .. unfortunately no
- except, a couple of years ago, I walked up from my parked up camper van/ first aid station onto the meseta into the dusk, and sat until it was dark and then walked the mile or two back - wanting to be as alone as I could be and quite the opposite happened. I was walking in starlight on the Meseta above the area before San Bol. Dark, dark, enough starlight to walk by and the air skin warm and my body became quite electrified, I had the most vibrant 'pins and needles' all over my skin and into my very core and felt that I was pressed, utterly pressed on all sides by pilgrims past. It was the most extraordinary experience. I had to stop and wait and invite it in, as it were, and try to somehow connect to whatever was going on - I couldn't of course, whatever was going on was only impinging on the limits of my senses ... but it really was extraordinary, splendid, I felt that were there anything metal up there - or even a tree! - and I could reach towards it there would have been sparks.
It was as if I were utterly surrounded by people but I could not see them .... no explanations, just an experience.
Don't you just love it, being on this planet?
Here is my sotry:
I have had a couple of "interesting" experiences while walking the Camino. The one that baffels me the most was on my return journey from Santiago to Porto last fall. I was walking alone as my partners all left in Santiago. I had gotten off trail and therefore lost two days in a row. Fortunately people were kind enough to set me straight and on one occassion, drove me back the 5 K I had taken in the wrong direction.
On that trip, I had made a habit of inviting my guardian angels, my mother and father and best friend George all who had passed away to join me on my walks. I called o n them every day, like a morning prayer. So after I got lost 2 days in a row, I had a frank talk with these "beings" and told them that I did not want to get lost again and I was counting on them to keep me on the "straight and norrow". So about 1p.m. that day I was in my meditative walking mode and I heard a bell in my right ear I turned sharply and saw no animal or person near that could have produced the sound. So I walked a few steps further and heard it again. I turned in the direction of the sound, and right there in front of me as a blue arrow indicating a 45 degree turn on the trail. I would certainly have missed that arrow if that bell had not sounded.
Coincidence? I don't think so. I have heard similar bell stories from pilgrims. You are never alone on the Camino.
Now for the most amazing story I have read....
By Brother David
Now there is a good thread .. ermm .. unfortunately no
- except, a couple of years ago, I walked up from my parked up camper van/ first aid station onto the meseta into the dusk, and sat until it was dark and then walked the mile or two back - wanting to be as alone as I could be and quite the opposite happened. I was walking in starlight on the Meseta above the area before San Bol. Dark, dark, enough starlight to walk by and the air skin warm and my body became quite electrified, I had the most vibrant 'pins and needles' all over my skin and into my very core and felt that I was pressed, utterly pressed on all sides by pilgrims past. It was the most extraordinary experience. I had to stop and wait and invite it in, as it were, and try to somehow connect to whatever was going on - I couldn't of course, whatever was going on was only impinging on the limits of my senses ... but it really was extraordinary, splendid, I felt that were there anything metal up there - or even a tree! - and I could reach towards it there would have been sparks.
It was as if I were utterly surrounded by people but I could not see them .... no explanations, just an experience.
Don't you just love it, being on this planet?

Here is my sotry:
I have had a couple of "interesting" experiences while walking the Camino. The one that baffels me the most was on my return journey from Santiago to Porto last fall. I was walking alone as my partners all left in Santiago. I had gotten off trail and therefore lost two days in a row. Fortunately people were kind enough to set me straight and on one occassion, drove me back the 5 K I had taken in the wrong direction.
On that trip, I had made a habit of inviting my guardian angels, my mother and father and best friend George all who had passed away to join me on my walks. I called o n them every day, like a morning prayer. So after I got lost 2 days in a row, I had a frank talk with these "beings" and told them that I did not want to get lost again and I was counting on them to keep me on the "straight and norrow". So about 1p.m. that day I was in my meditative walking mode and I heard a bell in my right ear I turned sharply and saw no animal or person near that could have produced the sound. So I walked a few steps further and heard it again. I turned in the direction of the sound, and right there in front of me as a blue arrow indicating a 45 degree turn on the trail. I would certainly have missed that arrow if that bell had not sounded.
Coincidence? I don't think so. I have heard similar bell stories from pilgrims. You are never alone on the Camino.
Now for the most amazing story I have read....
Re: The mystical and unexplained....
I don't know if this qualifies for mystical or unexplained.
I took a photo of my brother and his wife walking out of Moss and although it was pretty good light the camera chose a pretty high iso setting. So I thought I would clean it up a bit and reduce noise, then sharpen it to compensate.
I haven't had to do this to any other shot I took in the day, only ones at night in bad light.
The sharpening process was done in photoshop and makes the photo look kind of like a negative.
I won't tell you what I see, I'll leave that up to you.

link to image is here as the forum seems to have cropped a bit off to the right. Or you can right click the image and click view.
I took a photo of my brother and his wife walking out of Moss and although it was pretty good light the camera chose a pretty high iso setting. So I thought I would clean it up a bit and reduce noise, then sharpen it to compensate.
I haven't had to do this to any other shot I took in the day, only ones at night in bad light.
The sharpening process was done in photoshop and makes the photo look kind of like a negative.
I won't tell you what I see, I'll leave that up to you.

link to image is here as the forum seems to have cropped a bit off to the right. Or you can right click the image and click view.
I see afigure on the right side of the photo in the bushes, at least a face. This continues with the origianal photo...
Re: The mystical and unexplained....
This is the original, not the best picture in the world.
The only reason I spent time on it is because it's a shot of my brother and sister-in-law.
As you can see the tall grass(?) is there, but looks totaly different.
There is no way you would see anything in this shot, but after seeing the previous one it makes it visible, or it does to me anyway.

The only reason I spent time on it is because it's a shot of my brother and sister-in-law.
As you can see the tall grass(?) is there, but looks totaly different.
There is no way you would see anything in this shot, but after seeing the previous one it makes it visible, or it does to me anyway.

So what do you think????
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