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Monday, February 14, 2011


Happy Valentines day every one.  My husband just came home with roses and a lovely card.  I feel very appreciated here.
The biggest surprise today is that my book, Planning Your Camino- Preparing the Way is now available from the Publisher.  I don't have any copies yet but I want to share this news with you.

You can go to


and do a search for the title, Planning Your Camino.

The e-book version is not on the site yet, that will be the easiest and quickest way for you to get the information for your trip.

Thanks for your interest and enjoy the book.


1 comment:

  1. Congratulations! As a creative writer, I know how much time and effort and love goes into such a project. I am anxious to read it, as I am at the planning stage of my first Camino journey scheduled for May 2012.

    I also am anticipating returning with my head full of sights, sounds, ideas and some transformation - - and a book is likely a part of this. I am a people watcher, observer, admirer - my focus will be on the various souls met during this journey. The connection that can occur and how one's life can be enhanced by broadening our view and ideas.

    I'm new to your blog but will be reading each and every entry with joy!
    Regards from Ottawa
