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Sunday, February 6, 2011

Stats for Pilgrims On the Camino

After a little digging, the American Pilgrim Site was the best I could find regarding statistics for the numbers of Pilgrims per year.  Please note, that these numbers represent those Pilgrims that received a credential not the numbers who walked.  The reason is that many people do sections of the various trails and do not necessarily end up in Santiago.

Here is the website and I have borrowed some of the information for you.


The numbers are below but the page is much more pretty if you go to it.  So click on the link and you will have all the info you need.  You can increase the size of the graphs by cllicking on them.

Year Count Year Count Year Count
1986 2,491                     1998 30,126                    2010 272,313
1987 2,905                     1999 154,613
1988 3,501                     2000 55,004
1989 5,760                     2001 61,418
1990 4,918                     2002 68,952
1991 7,274                     2003 74,614
1992 9,764                     2004 179,944
1993 99,436                   2005 93,924
1994 15,863                   2006 100,377
1995 19,821                   2007 114,026
1996 23,218                   2008 125,141
1997 25,179                   2009 145,877

2010 was a Holy Year and the numbers sky-rocked.  The next Holy year is 2014

Cheers,  Bev

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